Request Access

Request access to university systems and applications

If your job duties require you to use university systems and applications that provide access to student data, you must submit a request to be granted access to those systems and applications. This page covers requesting access to the Student Information System (SIS), the Indiana University Information Environment (IUIE), and eDocs workgroups.

To request access to university systems and applications other than the ones listed on this page, visit the University Student Services and Systems website.

Student Information System (SIS)

IU Indianapolis uses SIS to manage student records. When you are hired, your unit will help you set up your initial access to SIS. If you ever need to modify your level of access to SIS, your unit’s access coordinator can help you make that change.

IU Information Environment (IUIE)

The enterprise-wide IUIE is a centrally maintained, web-based operational reporting environment that analyzes and reports institutional data according to specific departmental business needs.

You may request an IUIE account for yourself; however, having an account does not automatically give you access to all IUIE reports. In some cases, you may need to request access to a specific report from an IUIE data manager.

Request an IUIE account


IU Indianapolis uses electronic workflow to create, route, and process electronic documents (eDocs). Registrar eDocs have replaced paper forms in many instances, including:

  • eDrop/eAdd
  • eDropWF (late drop after Automatic W period)
  • eGradeChange
  • eSpecialCredit
  • eAchievement (Experiential and Applied Learning Record)

When an eDoc is created, it is sent along a series of stops for approval before processing in SIS. At each stop, a workgroup of one or more people reviews the request and takes action on it.

Access to eDoc workgroups

If you need access to one of the eDoc workgroups mentioned above to perform your job functions, contact Erica Morrical in the Office of the Registrar at Workgroup members must be compliant with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).

Reviewing and taking action on eDocs

Your Action List in One.IU shows all eDocs currently routed to you for action. From there you can view the contents and routing history of each eDoc and take appropriate action.