Grade Replacement

All about grade replacement

Unlike a grade change, which occurs only if an error has been made, a student can opt to replace their original grade by retaking a course. It’s the student’s responsibility to notify their school that they’ve taken the course a second time and wish to replace their first grade prior to graduation. Replacement doesn’t happen automatically.

The grade replacement policy allows approved undergraduate students enrolled at IU Indianapolis, IU Columbus, or IU Fort Wayne and seeking their first baccalaureate degree to repeat a maximum of 15 credit hours subject to school/division approval. If a student chooses to repeat a course and achieves the same or higher grade, only that grade earned on retake will be counted in the GPA and the credit hours from the original course will not be counted. A student must receive a letter grade upon retake in order to change the previous grade. The course that the student retakes should be the same course as the previous one, but need not be offered by the same instructor.

Grade replacement is not available for graduate students or students seeking any second undergraduate baccalaureate degree. Grade replacement is not an option if the original grade was assigned as a result of the student's academic misconduct. Once a grade replacement has been put on a student's record, it can't be reversed. Certain additional restrictions apply, so students should consult their academic school/division prior to invoking grade replacement.

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