FLAGS System

The FLAGS early alert system

IU Indianapolis FLAGS (Fostering Learning, Achievement, and Graduation Success) system gives you a convenient place to report student attendance and class performance. The FLAGS system was developed to support campus efforts to increase student retention and four-year graduation.

FLAGS includes two components: the student engagement roster and the administrative withdrawal roster.

Using the student engagement roster

If you’re teaching undergraduate students, you’re asked to provide feedback on performance and attendance early and often for each student. The student engagement roster, used to collect this feedback, serves several purposes:

  • It allows for quick, intentional intervention with students who may need assistance.
  • It provides an easy mechanism to report attendance for registrar and financial aid enrollment audits to ensure compliance with federal and IU policy.

Currently enrolled classes will display from when the class begins through the end of the class.

How to update a student engagement roster

You can access the engagement roster via the Faculty Center app in One.IU.

You’ll report activities for undergraduate students related to attendance, participation, and assignments using Observations. You’ll also have the opportunity to provide Recommendations for encouragement or improvement. (For graduate students, you’re required to report only attendance information.)

You may save an engagement roster as often as is convenient. Each time you submit a roster, your changes are recorded.

Find detailed instructions for student engagement rosters

Informing your classes about the student engagement roster

You’re expected to explain the student engagement roster to your classes via an explanation on the class syllabus or an announcement on Canvas. A notice might read as follows:

This semester I will be using IU’s FLAGS system to provide real-time feedback on your performance in this course. Periodically throughout the semester I will be entering data on factors such as your class attendance, participation, and success with coursework. This information will help you see how you are faring in the course and offer you suggestions on how you might be able to improve your performance.

You will be able to access your information via the View Grades app in One.IU.

Using the administrative withdrawal roster

If you’re teaching an undergraduate class of 6 weeks or longer, you have the authority to administratively withdraw students who miss more than 50 percent of your course meetings and/or required activities during the first 25 percent of the course duration. Use the administrative withdrawal roster for this.

The administrative withdrawal roster values become available after the fee refund period. This is the first opportunity to take action to administratively withdraw a student.

Submit a request to administratively withdraw a student by choosing either “some attendance” or “no attendance,” depending on the student’s performance.

How to update an administrative withdrawal roster

You can access the administrative withdrawal roster via One.IU.

You may save the roster as often as is convenient. Each time you submit a roster, your requests are sent to the Office of the Registrar.

Informing your students about the administrative withdrawal roster

You must include specific language about administrative withdrawal in your syllabus to inform students that administrative withdrawal may have an effect on their financial aid awards and/or student visa status. We recommend the following language:

Administrative Withdrawal: A basic requirement of this course is that you will participate in all class meetings and conscientiously complete all required course activities and/or assignments. Keep in touch with me if you are unable to attend, participate, or complete an assignment on time. If you miss more than half of the required activities within the first 25 percent of the course without contacting me, you may be administratively withdrawn from this course. Example: Our course meets twice per week; thus, if you miss more than four classes in the first four weeks, you may be withdrawn. Administrative withdrawal may have academic, financial, and financial aid implications. If you are administratively withdrawn from the course, it will be after the refund period so you will not be eligible for a tuition refund. If you have questions about the administrative withdrawal policy at any point during the semester, please contact me.

Tailor the example to indicate the number of course meetings or required activities that fit the syllabus for your section.

This language was approved on March 6, 2012, by the IFC Academic Affairs Committee and the IU Indianapolis Faculty Council with minor clarifying updates made August 31, 2018.