Read the official policy
1. All IU campuses follow a set of common calendar dates for the fall and spring terms which include: term begin date, census date, refund periods for full term courses, and the end of the automatic-W period. Final exams must be completed by the Sunday after the classes final end date (includes last weekend).
2. Fall and Spring Terms have 15 weeks of instruction followed one week of final examinations. The final examination period is two hours in length.
a. The Fall Term final examinations must end no later than December 21 in order to have sufficient time for grade submission and transcript availability, around the Christmas holiday.
b. The Spring Term final examinations must end before Commencement.
3. The Summer Term has 12 weeks of instruction; most summer classes are scheduled in one of two major summer sessions of 6 weeks each (summer session 1 and summer session 2).
a. The Summer Term has no special days for final examinations.
4. Classes do not meet on Labor Day, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Memorial Day, Juneteenth, or Independence Day.
a. For Juneteenth and Independence Day, classes do not meet on Friday when the holiday falls on Saturday; classes do not meet on Monday when the holiday falls on Sunday.
5. Lecture classes offered for 3 units must meet for a minimum of 2,250 minutes excluding the final examination. During Fall and Spring Terms, 3-unit lecture classes meet either twice a week (on Monday/Wednesday or Tuesday/Thursday) in 75-minute classes (2,250 minutes), or once a week (on Monday through Thursday evenings or Fridays during the day) in a 160 minute class (2,400 minutes including a 10-minute in-class break during each meeting).
6. Each day of the week meets an equal number of times during the Fall and Spring Terms.
a. In the fall, full term classes begin on a Monday and end on a Monday to accommodate the Labor Day holiday. Fall Break is scheduled on a consecutive Monday and Tuesday in October following the first 8 weeks of the term and prior to the beginning of the second 8 weeks of the term. Thanksgiving break begins on the Wednesday prior to Thanksgiving and runs through Sunday of that week.
b. In the spring, full term classes begin on a Monday and end on a Monday to accommodate the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. holiday. Spring Break (Monday through Sunday) is scheduled after the ninth week of the Spring Term.
c. In the summer, full term classes begin on a Monday and end on a Friday. Summer session 1 classes begin on a Monday and end on a Monday to accommodate the Memorial Day holiday. Summer session 2 classes begin the following Monday and end on a Friday.
Approved: APPC (Nov, 2012); Academic Affairs (Nov, 2012)
Revised and Passed by the IU Indianapolis Faculty Council, May 2023