Records Retention Schedule

Retention of student records

The Office of the Registrar is the official repository for IU Indianapolis students’ final, official academic record. If your unit accumulates copies of students’ academic records, you may dispose of them after your office no longer has administrative need of them.

If your unit maintains any other student records, be sure to follow this retention schedule. If you have student records that aren’t listed in this retention schedule, please contact the Ruth Lilly Special Collections and Archives for information.

Protecting confidentiality of student records

Many of the records covered by this schedule contain confidential information that’s protected by state and federal law. You are required to handle and dispose of these confidential records appropriately to protect student privacy.

How this schedule was developed

This records retention schedule is based on recommendations developed in the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admission Officers’ (AACRAO) Retention of Records: Guide for Retention and Disposal of Student Records (2000 Edition), recommendations from the IU Indianapolis Office of the Registrar, and recommendations from the Ruth Lilly Special Collections and Archives at IU Indianapolis.