Academic Misconduct

How to handle a case of academic misconduct

IU Indianapolis exists to promote students’ intellectual and ethical growth. We must foster the best possible environment for teaching and learning—one that is based on mutual respect and clear expectations of one another.

If a student fails to meet our high standards of academic conduct, you may need to take action.

Read on to learn what constitutes academic misconduct, how to report it if you discover it, and what your responsibilities as an IU Indianapolis faculty member are.

What is academic misconduct?

The Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Conduct outlines six categories of misconduct:

  • Cheating
  • Fabrication
  • Plagiarism
  • Interference
  • Violation of course rules
  • Facilitating academic dishonesty
Get details on academic misconduct at IU

What to do if you discover academic misconduct

Before you take any action, consult the IU code to clarify your options. Note that there are certain university-wide procedures that supersede any campus-level procedures.

Next, read the IU Indianapolis campus procedures for academic misconduct and sign a copy of the academic misconduct reporting form.  Be sure to complete a detailed summary of the incident.

Talk with the student whom you suspect of misconduct and allow them to answer the charges. Be sure to clearly inform them of your decision, the consequences of academic misconduct, and the process by which they can appeal.

Give the student an opportunity to read and sign the academic misconduct reporting form. Once all parties have signed, send the form to your school, division, or unit’s academic officer. They’ll review the materials, talk with you and the student, and take any other necessary actions.

Your responsibilities

As a member of the IU Indianapolis faculty, you’re expected to maintain an exceptional teaching and learning environment by doing the following:

  • Maintain a clear connection between the advance description and the conduct and content of each course you present.
  • Clearly state the course goals in materials you post in Canvas or hand out at the first class meeting.
  • Clearly inform students in writing at the beginning of the course of the testing and grading system you’ll use. These systems should be intellectually justifiable and consistent with the rules and regulations of your academic division.
  • Plan and use class time with an awareness of its value for every student.
  • Announce class attendance policy at the first class meeting.
  • Hold class regularly.
  • Clearly state the level of collaboration that is allowed on each class assignment.
  • Be available to discuss course content or grading with students throughout a course.
  • Write exams consistent with course goals and content presented in class or within clearly assigned readings.
  • Maintain security of all examinations before, during, and after you give them.
  • Protect honest students by monitoring the exam process.
  • Post a key only after all students have completed the exam.
  • Assign final grades consistent with the student’s academic performance according to the guidelines established when the course began.
  • Maintain and demand a professional tone in dealing with students in or out of class.
See what’s expected of students