If you are teaching a course at IU Indianapolis, you must provide your students with a detailed syllabus that outlines what the course will cover, what is expected of them, and how their performance will be evaluated. Your syllabus should include:
- Course number, section, title, days and times, and building and room
- Your name, title, office number, telephone, email, website URL, and office hours
- Required purchases such as textbooks or other supplies
- Prerequisites for the course
- Course goals or objectives
- Schedule of assignments, including readings, exams, papers, and other required learning assessment activities
- Grading standards and criteria, including the elements of the class that will determine students’ final grades and the grading scale you will use in assigning final grades
- Course policies on attendance, participation, makeups, late assignments, tests or examinations, extra credit, extensions, illness, cheating and plagiarism, and P/F, I, and W grades
- A disclaimer such as “The above schedule and procedures are subject to change in the event of extenuating circumstances.”
The IU Indianapolis Center for Teaching and Learning has additional resources to help you develop your syllabus.